Hartlepool 11KV Substation
Hartlepool 11KV Substation

Groom Design Services were employed by the ICP under our own NERS accreditation to provide the secondary protection design, interface design, full site installation and commissioning of the 11kV substation to allow a Biomass generation scheme to generate onto the DNO’s system.
As part of the above contract we supplied the following design services
G59 panel General arrangement design.
G59 panel Circuit diagram design
G59 panel Wiring diagram design
Multicore cable schedules
Multicore cable block diagrams
Connection diagram for all protection equipment and primary plant.
Final ‘As built’ records to the DNO
Our contract also included the supply, installation and commissioning of the following equipment;
RN6c ringmaster Circuit breaker with coupled metering unit.
G59 protection wall panel – P341, GCM05 and ancillary relays.
30 VDC Battery to DNO approved specification.
19pr Pilot wall box
Customer interface wall box
Emergency trip push button
Groom Design Services undertook the above work inline with the NERS policies and procedures that the ICP market adhere to and successfully delivered the project on time and within budget.